Dan Loague has an extensive background in venture capital and early stage investments. Over the past twenty years he has built, and now works with a national network of exceptionally active angels, professional investors, corporate, business development professionals, technology enterprise executives and government officials. He is currently President, Washington DC ArchAngels, and DC representative of Ventana Capital, Irvine CA, and formerly the Executive Director, National Association of Seed and Venture Funds.
In addition, he is Executive Director, Capital Formation Institute, Inc., a non-profit serving a national network of leading startup investors, licensees and commercialization professionals. In past positions, Mr. Loague has worked extensively as a state-level economic development professional, serving six consecutive governors of the state of Oklahoma. He is also a former university professor and instructor, and during 1963-67, served in the U.S. Air Force Systems Command as an Avionics Officer in RF-4C aircraft test program.
Dan Loague