© Copyright 2023
Washington DC ArchAngels

The  Washington DC ArchAngels is at the center of a rapidly developing market now replacing legacy equity investing. Investing in new companies has never been better. The quality of new companies and their founders and key entrepreneurs is excellent. After nearly a decade of a significant decline in venture capital and angel groups investing activity in the U.S., there has been a recent upsurge in the number of high net-worth individuals. Most are new-to-investing and aged from about 40 to 55 years; the most active of these are about 45 years old. In this group, there is a significant number of former highly skilled CEOs, top executives and founders.  They are eager to stay in the game as company builders, but few have the investment and company building skills needed to achieve and sustain successful investing.  They also lack the knowledge network needed to reduce investment risks.

Since 2011, the
Washington DC ArchAngels has been building a network of investors that use “know-who, know-how and know-capital” and perform at exceptionally high levels of company building. Investment successes among this group are routine, and they possess superior skills in identifying great companies that, with the use appropriate help and tools, can exit with 3x-5x returns, and higher, within 24-30 months of investment.

The Washington DC Archangels was established as a collaborating partner of Ventana Capital, Irvine CA, and has a Chapter relationship with the Orange County Archangels (California), and Chicago ArchAngels.

Personal Referral and ​​Invitation-Only
"A private group of individual investors, investment professionals, and select investment partners."​